Device not supported?

Device not supported? Receive a paid test and can't take it on your device? Shawna Moser

Users who create tests via Helio have the ability to test their products based on device type. Mainly, this is used to match their target audience and receive feedback accurate to how their product will be used.

With that being said, when you set up your Enroll account, you set preferences as to which devices you would like to receive tests on. 

    To view your Supported Device settings, navigate to the 'Profile' tab > 'Test                        Preferences'

As you can see in the image above, Terry has the platforms they can test on set to Desktop only. This means that only tests specified by Helio users to work on Desktop will reach Terry's inbox. 

So, what if you have more than one device preference? Kind of like this:

In this case, Terry will receive tests compatible with Tablets and/or Desktop. That 'and/or' is important. Not every test built for Tablets will be compatible with Desktop, and vice versa.

If you receive a test and open it on an incompatible device, you will receive an error message indicating which devices you are able to take it on.

If you have any further questions not answered in this article, don't hesitate to reach out!

The Enroll Team

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